Monday, 31 Mar, 2025




International Journal of Marketing and Business Communication

International Journal of International Journal of Marketing & Business Communication(IJMBC) invites high quality original and review papers, technical reports, case studies, conference reports, management reports and book reviews.

Peer Review and Publication Policy
All received manuscipts are initially scrutinized for suitability within the journal. If found suitable, article is sent to a reviewer for double blind peer review process. Identity of author/s is not disclosed to the reviewer and vice-versa. On receipt of feedback from reviewer, editor analysis the feedback and further decides to accept, reject or revise the paper. Normally double blind peer review process takes around 3-4 months to provide feedback to authors. If paper is accepted, we will send pre-print version to authors for corrections(if any). The Journal reserves the right to make necessary editorial amendments in the final manuscript to suit Journal’s format. Single complimentary copy will be provided and posted to Indian Authors. Please be noted, that Publishing India Group do not charge authors for submission/acceptance/any other purpose. Papers are accepted, purely on the basis of merit.

Guidelines for Authors

  1. All submitted manuscripts must be original work that is not under submission at another journal or under consideration for publication in any other form. In case the authors have received financial/technical assistance for completing the manuscript, they should acknowledge the same in the manuscript so as to avoid conflicts of ownership.
  2. After submitting the manuscript, until the editorial decision is communicated or if the manuscript is accepted for publication, without prior approval from the editor, authors cannot publish the manuscript in other publication.
  3. Manuscripts to be submitted online at Refer to steps mentioned below for online submission.
  4. Maximum length of the manuscript should be between 3000-6000 words.
  5. Main attachment should contain full text content including title of the manuscript (limited to 10 words) at the top, an abstract of no more than 200 words and up to 6 Key Words.
  6. Author’s names should not appear on anywhere on the body of the manuscript to facilitate the referred and blind review process.
  7. The text should be double spaced and should be typed in Times New Roman style with a font size of 12 pts and 1 inch margin all around. Use standard indentation for paragraphs.
  8. Footnotes should appear at the bottom of the page on which they are cited/ referenced.
  9. Tables and Figures should be numbered in Roman Numerals and can appear either in the body of the manuscript or at the end of the manuscript. Sources of data used in both tables and figures should be duly acknowledged as a footnote to the same. In case some abbreviations and acronyms are used in the tables and figures, these should be duly described in the main body text of the manuscript where they have been cited/ referenced/interpreted and well as in the footnotes of the table/ figure.
  10. Tables and figures appearing at the end of the manuscript should be duly referenced in the main body text where these have been interpreted.
  11. All Figures (charts, diagrams and line drawings) and Plates (photographic images) should be of clear quality, in black and white. For figures which cannot be supplied in MS Word, acceptable standard image formats are: .pdf, .ai, .wmf and .eps. If you are unable to supply graphics in these formats then please ensure they are .tif, .jpeg (.jpg) , or .bmp at a resolution of at least 300dpi and at least 10cm wide.
  12. Research Methodology used in the manuscript should be explained in detail and all equations should be consecutively numbered using Arabic numerals in parentheses.
  13. Equation editor should be used to type the mathematical equation used in the study.
  14. Sources of data used in the study should be duly acknowledged and the procedures used to convert raw data into usable data should be explained in detail.
  15. At the end of the manuscript, all references cited in the body text should be complete in all respects and arranged in alphabetical order. Authors should carefully check the list of references for completeness, accuracy and consistency.
  16. Cite references in the text by mentioning last name of the author and year e.g. (Kundu, 2003) citing for one author, (Kundu and Rani, 2010) citing both names of two, and (Smith et al., 2010), when there are three or more authors.
  17. A sampling of the most common entries in reference lists appears below. Please note that for journal articles, issue numbers are not included unless each issue in the volume begins with page one. Hence, it is The Journal of Futures Markets, 24, 513–532, not The Journal of Futures Markets, 24(6), 513–532. Entries not exemplified below are modelled in the Publication manual . Please note that italics are removed from references in the printed publication (this is a departure from the Publication Manual style).

    Book: Surname, Initials (Year), Book Title, Publisher, Place.
    Example - Kundu, S.C. (2000), Comparative human resource management: India and Japan, Mittal Publications, New Delhi.

    Journal: Surname, Initials (Year), Article Title, Journal Name, Volume No.(Issue no.), Pages.
    Example - Kundu, S.C. & Vora, J.A. (2004), Creating a talented workforce for delivering service quality, Human Resource Planning, 27(2), 40-51.

    Article in edited book: Surname, First name (Year), Article Title, Editor’s Surname, Initials (Ed.), Book Title(Page no.), Publisher, Place.
    Example - Baker, F. M., & Lightfoot, O. B. (1993), Psychiatric care of ethnic elders, In A. C. Gaw (Ed.), Culture, ethnicity, and mental illness (pp.517–552), American Psychiatric Press, Washington D.C.

    Unpublished paper presented at a meeting: Surname, Initials(Year, Month, date), Paper Title, Meeting organizer, Place.
    Example - Black, L., & Loveday, G. (1998, February), The development of sign language in hearing children, Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Professional Linguistics Society, Munich Germany.

    Published proceedings of meetings and symposia: Surname, Initials(Year), Proceeding Title, Editor’s Surname, Initials(Eds.), Proceedings of meeting organizer No.(Page No.),Publisher, Place.
    Example - McNeil, C. B., Eyberg, S., Eisenstadt, T. H., & Newcomb, K. (1997), Marital status and living arrangements, In W. W. Hartrup & Z. Rubin (Eds.), American Psychological Association Proceedings No. 512 (pp.1–25), American Psychiatric Press, Washington, DC

    Unpublished doctoral dissertation: Surname, Initials(Year), Dissertation title, Specify Unpublished Dissertation, Institution name, Place.
    Example - Smith, A. (2001), Analyses of non union American companies in the late 1990s, Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Georgetown University, Washington.

  18. Once accepted for publication, authors need to sign & confirm the form of originality and Copyright. Copy of the same is available with Coordinator / Editor.

Online Submission Process
Journal follows online submission for referred and peer review process. Authors are required to register themselves at prior to submitting the manuscript. This will help authors in keeping track of their submitted research work.

Steps for submission:

  1. Log on to mentioned url:-
  2. Register yourself with “International Journal of International Journal of Marketing & Business Communication”
  3. Do remember to select yourself as “Author” at the bottom of registration page before submitting.
  4. Once registered, log on with your selected Username and Password.
  5. Click “submit article” follow the instructions mentioned for “5 step submission process”.

If you are already registered with other journal at, you will be required to register separately with “International Journal of Marketing & Business Communication” for respective submission.

Copyright Policy
Submitted manuscripts must be original work of the author that is not under submission at another journal or under consideration for publication in any other form. If author’s piece of work infringes any existing copyright, publisher will have to be indemnified for any such breach by author.

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