Saturday, 27 Jul, 2024




KIMI Hospitality Research Journal

KIMI Hospitality Research Journal invites original, research based papers and cases in the areas of hospitality and Tourism , stand-alone research studies , successful ideas based on successful procedures or programs , research having hospitality-industry implications. Paper can be email to Editor, KIMI Hospitality Research Journal at email-id:

The guidelines for contributors are listed below:

  • Only original, unpublished work is sought. All article submissions will be blind reviewed by a committee of experts for the purpose of selection.
  • To enable anonymous review please mention the research paper title, author(s), designation, contact information only on the first page. A maximum of three authors is acceptable per research paper.
  • Second Page should consist of title, an abstract of around 300 words and a list of key words about the article. Third page onwards, together with the article contents, title of the paper may be mentioned, but should not mention authors’ names. Appendices should be clearly labeled at the end of the article.
  • The Research Article should adhere to a word limit (not exceeding 8,000 words). Please use Arial Font Size 11 with 1 inch margins. Tables, illustrations, charts, figures etc. should be serially numbered and duly acknowledged. Sources of data should be given below each table.
  • All citations and references should be mentioned in the article by last name of the author, year of publication and pagination where appropriate. Websites referred should mention full URL address, accessed date and mention source organization.
  • References mentioned must appear in an alphabetically ordered list at the end of article. Only references that are actually utilized should be included in the reference list.
  • The responsibility of opinions and conclusions expressed in the submitted research article is the authors’ alone and does not reflect KIMI’s stand on the topic.
  • Copyrights for the accepted papers will remain with KIMI. The submitted article may be subject to some editorial modifications by KIMI review panel.
  • An author will receive a complimentary copy of the issue in which his/her paper appears.
  • Manuscripts which do not conform to the guidelines will not be considered for publication.
The selection of papers for publication will be based on their originality, relevance and clarity, the extent to which they advance knowledge, understanding and application and their likely contribution towards inspiring further research and development.
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